Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Atlanta - October 2011

I have been a bit lax with my blog over the last few months so I am going to continue on from where i left off. For Fall break in October, Anika and I had plans to go to the beach with a group of girls that had invited us along but unfortunately that fell through so we had to think of something else to do pretty swiftly because we found about not being able to go only two days before the start of the break! We were both very disappointed so we decided to do something just the two of us. Atlanta seemed to be somewhere we both wanted to go and turned out to be a great adventure. 
We rented a car and Ankia drove because i was still recovering from being in a car crash in Mississippi and wasn't quite ready to be behind a wheel just yet. The first impressions of Atlanta were very good! It was great driving up into the city with the high rise blocks all around (Tuscaloosa's buildings are very flat). When we arrived we had decided to go into the down town area and walk around for a bit before meeting Anika's family friends for dinner in Marietta. The only problem with this plan was that we are both students, therefore we never have cash on us and all the car parks were cash only. This was annoying but it got worse when Anika's iphone ran out of battery because we were using this as a gps! So all in all our first afternoon in Atlanta consisted of driving around for what seemed hours then sitting in starbucks charging Anikas phone for our journey to find where we were staying! 
The rest of the trip was great fun though! We did lots of touristy stuff like the behind the scenes tour of CNN, the Georgia Aquarium (biggest in the world), Martin Luther Kings historical center (birth place, Church etc) Little Five Points, The Olympic Park. I also had my first experience of the Cheese Cake Factory... AMAZING. I have never seen so many different flavors of cheesecake in one cabinet in my life! All in all it was a pretty amazing trip which we cobbled together at the last minute. So far this trip is my fourth state and my sixth city!

The Olympic Park

CNN - Very Cool!

They had five wale sharks swimming round in this tank, I felt quite sorry for them!